Dear readers,

Many people are struggling to find out where to start learning programming or how to become programmers in the future, so I'm glad that today they will be relaxing sitting in a place reading some very helpful articles. Today we're going to learn the steps to start learning computer programming and start writing good code containing logic. We will divide these steps into two groups, one being language choice, language learning and ultimately learning yourself.

1) Choosing Language

Select programming language.

Computer programming is performed as a set of instructions that the computer follows (known as binary coding). These instructions can be written in different languages, or in different ways to format them. Different languages ​​are used to create different programs.

Consider languages ​​such as C, C #, C ++ and other related ones.

These languages ​​are widely used to develop computer applications as games. C and C ++ are difficult for a beginner to learn but it's not impossible for him to learn. Learning that will not only give you a basic understanding of programming (many programming languages ​​inherit some or more concepts from C & C ++), but also how computers work. are widely known and used, however C #, a language very similar to Java, is becoming more and more popular.

Take Java or javascript.

These are great languages ​​to learn if you want to work developing web plugins (javascript) or mobile programs (java). These languages ​​are in great need of fluency, so it's also good to master them. Keep in mind that Java and javascript are completely different languages, they will never have their names matched.

Try Python.

Python is a language that is easy to use anywhere and is used in almost all platforms. If you give up its potential, it's a very easy language for a beginner to start learning, so try it!

Take PHP. PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Processor.

It is the language of web-based programming and is very easy to learn with its popularity (popularity means that there will be many tutorials for you to learn). It's a good language for server side programming.

Don't limit yourself to those languages!

There are many tons of language, all working in different ways. If you want to work as a programmer, you need to know more than one, so learn as much as you can.


2) Learn the Language

Think about going to college / college

While most companies hire programmers they will care more about your skills than the college you studied or your grades you got while there, it really helps to get a degree. You will learn more effectively than you teach yourself, all while continuing to receive help from your teachers (and even your friends).

Learn from online Universities.

Whether you are studying for your degree online for a fee and a real degree at the end or you are studying for free courses like MIT wonderful Coursera, you can learn a lot about programming from those scheduled courses.

Try using online tools.

Use free services like the Google University Consortium or Mozilla Developer Network to learn more about programming. These companies want more developers to help their platforms succeed and their resources may be some of the best on the web.

Learn to use online tutorials.

There are many programmers with websites where they will teach you various principles and principles, including a few tricks. Find tutorials about the language you want to learn to acquire.
Many free online classes are available to learn coding from. Khan Academy teaches computer coding, using simple tutorials and videos. Code Academy is another free site to study there, with step-by-step tutorials.

Start as low as you can.

Many programs have been developed to teach children how to program. Programs like MIT Scratch are very helpful and in your youth, it will be easy to take (like any program). Avoid kits, because they won't teach you much about something useful.


3) Learn yourself

Start with a good book or tutorial about programming.

Find a good and modern book about programming language you want to learn. Reviews / reviews on Amazon or similar websites will help you identify important books from non-essentials.

Find an interpreter for that language.

Interpreter is just another computer programming language but it will convert your thoughts into programming language into "machine code" to see things work. Many programs are available and you will have to choose just one that will be right for you.

Read the book!

Here is where the brains we have a problem. Reading books adds a variety of ideas to others and enables us to understand many things. Take examples of programming language from a book and paste it into your interpreter. Try changing models and making the program do different things.

Try to put your ideas together to create a program that works.

Start with simple things, like a money-changing program, and make the effort to go to a complicated program as you continue to learn and learn about your programming language.

Learn another Language.

When you start programming well in your first language, you may want to learn a second one. You will learn a lot if the second language is different in style compared to the first. For example, if you started in the Scheme, you might try learning C or Java later. If you started in Java you could learn Perl or Python.

Keep programming and try new things!

To be a good programmer, you have to adapt to technological changes. It is a continuous process, and you need to learn a new language, new styles, and most importantly: Programming new things!

Written by Hakerhub
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